Processing features

ND Packing is divided into 2 types of R type for general use and C type for high temperature. Additionally, such product can be responded to nonstandard measurement. Thus, for the purposes other than packing materials, such product can be broadly used for noncombustible matter, such as paste-up on the back of balcony and hallway of housing complexes.
Surface gluing : Mainly, shattering of fibers will be prevented from surfaces.
GC: glass cloth gluing
MGC: Thirling GC gluing

Reflection of light and heat
AL : aluminum foil gluing
ALGC: aluminum glass cloth gluing
Adhesion processing : Simplification of gluing operations
SA: adhesion (without ground fabric)
SP: adhesion (with ground fabric)
Resin coating : Various types of coating can be possible by use based on a hard or soft finishing, etc.
Calcination processing : Occurrence of smoke and stench at the time of heating is removed.
HC: heat cleaning
Fabrication processing : Simplification of built-in processing
GP: pipe shape

Purpose of use
General construction materials, such as refractory joint-sealing compound and block fire retardant
Insulator materials and sound absorbing materiasl for engine silencers
Gasket and packing materials for high sections of water heaters, boilers, and heating equipment
Construction materials such as refractory joint-sealing compound and block fire retardant
Insulator material and lagging materials of electrical appliances, such as microwave, office automation equipment, and rice cookers