
Quality policy
We regulate quality policy as follows. Quality policy: Quality which meets the needs

We will construct the system which will produce and supply materials and processed products satisfying the customer needs in a prompt and economical manner. Due to continuous improvement of such system, we will realize quality assurance and customer satisfaction.
1.Everyone of our company understands this policy and conducts our daily activities based on this policy.
2.Everyone of our company makes the best use of originality and ingenuity in order to achieve the quality goal shown by responsible personnel for quality management.

Representative director: Motoji Ban October 1, 2004

Action plan concerning quality goal

Quality goal
Elaborate creation of good quality products in the processes is ensured. And good quality is preserved.

Policy for responsible personnel
Responsible personnel make endeavors to continue “P-D-C-A” and engage in achievement of relevant goals.

Target value
Based on the reference information concerning the quality goal, group responsible personnel formulate quality goals by group based on reviewing of outcomes of the previous year.

Quality goals from the creation to the completion, and method of management

1.The division in charge of creation of goals is annually instructed by the president.
2.Quality goals determined by group responsible personnel are confirmed by the responsible personnel for quality management, and an approval of the president is obtained through a quality activity plan/list of achievement.
3.The president confirms progress situations based on achievement reports through a quality activity plan/list of achievement, which is submitted every three month.
4.After end of the activity plan period, group responsible personnel make reports on achievement at the quality and environment committee, and relevant comments are entered. And after the responsible personnel for quality management confirm the reports and such reports are submitted to the president.

October 1, 2004 Responsible person for quality management Keiichi Ban